
  • join didiglobal and work for didi driver hybrid app
  • become the owner of Flower Piggy (a ride-hailing service of Didi targeting younger customers) driver-side services
  • finish two impressive projects alone(smart interview SPA html5 project and make a live in wechat miniprogram)

Work staff

  • build hybrid web app pages(no pc websites)
  • learn to use group-related develop tools such as vue-cli-plugin, UI component library, jssdk, and jsbridge etc.
  • keyboard component
  • page track
  • cubeui UI library and biz library
  • jsbridge
  • develop standalone projects using HTML5/Vue2
  • develop new features as requirement or bugfix
  • code review
  • refactor and improve performance
  • online problems locating(server side problem/frontend logic errors/data tracking exception)
  • locate problems and communicate with other group and push them to realize requirements
  • miniprogram UI component unit testing and document(refer to weui/j-component/miniprogram-simulate)
  • integrate third party SDKs(paying SDK etc.)

Tech stack

  • vue
    • lifecycle method
      • created
      • mounted
    • mixins
    • emit/on
    • props
  • vuex
    • store
    • mutation
    • mapGetter
    • mapState
    • mapMutation
  • vue-router
  • vue-cli-service
    • vue.config.js
    • webpack
  • vue-cli-plugin
  • babel
  • stylus
  • es6
    • promise/async
    • includes
    • const/let
    • deconstruct
    • ESM/amd/umd/commonJS
  • jscore
    • function/callback
    • setTimeout/setInterval
    • closure
  • git & gitlab
  • node & npm
    • dependence/devDependence/peerDependence
    • link/publish/version(semver)
    • macro/micro tasks

Coding skills

  • css animations
    • transform
    • translate
    • keyframe
    • animation
    • 1px compatity
  • js array methods
    • findIndex and indexOf
    • some/every/each
    • filter/map/reduce
    • sort
  • network basic
    • ajax
      • post/get/options
      • content-type
        • application/json、application/www-form-urlencoded
    • CORS
  • web browser
    • url/schema
    • window/location/document
    • encode/decode/encodeComponent/decodeComponent
    • cache
    • cookie/sessionStorage/localStorage
  • libraries/frameworks learning
    • vue3
    • vue-rx
  • backend skills
    • nginx
    • linux
      • useful instructions
    • curl
  • hybrid
    • webview
    • camera/record/geolocation

Problem solving

  • Learn how to add new feature for jsbridge and debug new feature with native app developers and deploy new jsbridge npm package
  • Get used to debug new features with backend developer’s APIs and make requirements work correctly


  • Rich Dad Poor Dad(personal finance)
  • Danshari(about lifestyle)
  • Bad kid(a Chinese novel book talk about humanity)
  • Animal Farm(because the movie——Hunting)
  • You don’t know JavaScript(coding skills)


  • Changsha(train)
  • Saihanba(driving)

Planing coding skills

  • GraphQL

Planing life learning

  • reading more Englist articles(technique)
  • reading more books
  • coding more
  • build personal website or blog(replace the using blog template)