STAR Template

  • S: Situation
  • T: Task
  • A: Action
  • R: Result


  • S
    • describe a specific situation and establish context
    • don’t generalize or offer a litany of your accomplishments
    • speak directly to the question as posed
    • be detailed enough
  • T
    • go to the specific task you had to do
    • be clear what the task was
    • related to the question and whatever ability the interviewer is looking to evaluate
    • clarity and relevancy
  • A
    • stay on topic
    • focus on what you did in the situation to resolve the task and keep that focus on you
    • first person singular, not we or out team
    • only talk about what you did
  • R
    • explain the outcome of the task due to your actions
    • take credit for what you did
    • it’s not the time for modesty
    • explain what happened, how did the situation or task resolve itself, what did you accomplish, did you learn anything
    • keep it positive even if the situation or task didn’t end that way

Projects Description

Operating activity for drivers during the Spring Festival

  • S
    • the project’s deadline is tight for the whole tech team
    • we have two front-end developers, a backend developer, three UI designers and a project manager
    • we totally have a week to develop a brand new html5 single page application which can run on both native app and weixin miniapplication platform, and it has a lot of UI animations and sharing logic
  • T
    • I am this project’s frontend development owner and had to ensure this project will be deployed online and runs great in the end
    • I need to keep us on our production schedule and develop my part of work
  • A
    • I dive into develop the basic logic without UI first
    • I call another experienced developer to help us build a jssdk for this project which includes login, tracking, ajax modules
  • R
    • I finished my work as expected and did some refactoring to make my codes more strong
    • I read the code that experenced developer wrote and learnt more about how to use webpack or vue-cli-plugin to supply different packages by different environments
    • I got to know how developers to face projects with limit time and how to ensure the project to be done in time, such as meetings to synchronize progress between others and talk about diffculties in time, and try to call others to help

LiveShow on WeChat MiniProgram platform

  • S
    • the marketing team announced to build an app to attractive more drivers to know our another feature which can gain more income(which called benefit center) using liveshow format
  • T
    • I need to know how to use liveshow ability in wechat miniprogram platform and know its conditions
    • I need to develop a tiny function which use wechat pay to make our miniprogram can apply liveshow right
    • I need to build a standalone h5 to deployed in our main native app and support to jump into out wechat miniprogram directly
    • Finally, I had to develop the goods detail of buying webpages to support the ability which liveshow need
  • A
    • First, I got to read the documentation of wechat development about paying, liveshow, jump from native app
    • Then I started to develop a simple function which used wechat pay sdk and deployed it online for liveshow applying
    • Then I started to set up a single h5 to develop the function jump from our native app to the specific wechat miniprogram, for this function need our native app to integrate the wechat sdk for jumping, I carefully researched the action flow and read the demo from wechat official, then I talked to our native developing team to help me
    • Finally, I develop the core function of buying things from liveshow and coroperate with our backend developer
  • R
    • Finally, I finished a h5 which supplied to jump to miniprogram, a function in miniprogram which supports to watch liveshow and buy things. For this project, we received a lot of driver users’ appreciation and gained more notabilities. I got more familar with wechat platform ablities and apis such as jump from native, set up a liveshow, and buy things use wechat pay. I had gained more experience of developing a big operating activity project personal and find the right way of achieving it, such as by reading the right official document and find the right other team to support you.

Upgrade the function of drivers’ interviews

  • S
    • we have a lot of new driver users who need to be interviewed and then be our legal backend users, the old way to interview drivers need a lot of interviewers offline and has to order drivers to go to our specific place to accomplish the interview
  • T
    • I need to build some webapps that support drivers to finish the interview online and our checkers can check the drivers’ interview process asynchronizely, and the core webapp need some native app abilities such as recording voices, make video of interview process, capture face and body part and so on.
  • A
    • I build a standalone webapp and work with our native app developer that supply me the native ablitity and backend developer who supply me the interview content and judge the drivers’ answer that submitted.
    • I frequently communicate with the native app develops that is an iOS developer and an Android developer, because I was getting familar with the team’s jssdk and jsbridge during the project. We talked and designed new bridge functions which can suit this project together, then I wrote documents for the new bridges and communicate with native developers in time to ensure the bridges' changes
  • R
    • Finally, I deployed the webapp online and updated our jsbridge by publishing our npm package to support the new functions, the function online served both driver uses and our audits by increasing more drivers’ interview commits and make audits’ work more flexible. It indirectly save our cost on clarifying new driver users and be a continuous function for our main app for drivers.